Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between City Group JSC and the Users (customers) who use the e-shop  gallery-city.com/shop  for the purchase of works of art. By clicking on an object, a picture, a link (other than the Terms and conditions) or a button located at gallery-city.com/shop, it is considered that you accept or agree to the Terms and Conditions described below. These General Terms and Conditions comply with the requirements of the Consumer Protection Law (CPL) with the following site: https://kzp.bg/, as well as with the other normative acts operating in the Republic of Bulgaria. On January 9, 2016, the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR Platform) is launched - its address is:  http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/


"SELLER" is the gallery-city.com/shop site owned by CITY GROUP JSC and serves as a virtual platform for the sale of works of art. The seller is the person with whom the User signs a distance contract for a particular painting (artwork) in the online store.

"USER" is an authorized person who has consented to these Terms and Conditions in connection with the making and purchase of the works of art offered in the online store.

"GALLERY" is the gallery-city.com/shop website, which serves as a virtual platform for offering artwork for sale and for reaching an agreement between SELLER and USER for ordering and buying a particular painting (a work of art).

SELLER and USER for selling and ordering a particular painting (work of art).

CITY GROUP JSC  is a company with UIC 114663818, with headquarters in the city. Pleven, Buxton 1, tel: 064/800636, e-mail: info@gallery-city.com, which creates and maintains electronic shop (gallery) offers and sells works of art through the site and determine the current terms and conditions under which sold artwork. CITY GROUP JSC has the full rights to unilaterally modify the content of the website and the ways of accessing it.

"ORDER" is the User request made to the Gallery for the purchase of one or more specific works of art (paintings). The order is packed and sent by courier to a pre-specified address in the Order by the User after being approved by email or telephone. Approval by email is by sending an email (confirmation email). Approval by phone happens after a call from an employee of the gallery for confirmation.

"CONTRACT FOR SALE" is the contract concluded by this site (GALLERY) for the purchase of a work of art (painting) between the Seller and the User.

"COURIER" is a merchant who physically delivers the purchased picture (a work of art) to an address specified by the User and works under the requirements of the Postal Services Law.



2.1. The view gallery-city.com/shop is completely free and accessible from all over the world.

2.2. In order to shop from the GALLERY, the User is not required to register and provide personal data. At the express wish of the User, he may register and provide personal data, CITY GROUP JSC is a data administrator within the meaning of Regulation (EC) 2016/679 and has the right to collect, process and use the personal data to the needs of the e-shop, while at the same time having the obligation to keep such personal data secret, not to use them for other purposes, or to make them available to third parties.

2.3. In the GALLERY (gallery-city.com/shop) each picture, which is available for sale has specified price, features and additional information aimed at helping you to make informed choices when buying a determined work of art.

2.4. All prices listed on the site are final with VAT included.

2.5. A "Buy" button is located on the page next to each picture available for sale. Clicking on the "Buy" button saves the selected product into a User virtual basket. The contents of the basket are retained until the user decides to go to purchase the selected artworks. By clicking the "Basket" button (in the top right corner of the site), the users can view the contents of their virtual collection, add new pictures or remove those they do not want. After clicking on the "Finish order" button, displayethe customer data, delivery data, and re-view of the virtual basket.



3.1. To make an order to the gallery, the user must indicate:

3.1.1. a valid e-mail address;

3.1.2. true address for delivery and invoicing;

3.1.3. true contact details - two names, phone.

3.2. The order is activated, ie. is requested to the gallery by pressing the second "Request order" button - located after the delivery details and payment method of the order

3.3. When a successful order is made, the user receives an order confirmation by e-mail at the email address specified by the customer. In the email confirmation, the picture (work of art) ordered, the order number, the date and time of the order were indicated. Phone confirmation is made on first order or, if necessary, additional information or order specification.

3.4. If the ordered picture (artwork) is not available, gallery-city.com/shop notifies the user. If the User does not agree that the order will refer to another painting (work of art), the order may be canceled.

3.5. Orders in the gallery gallery-city.com/shop are accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

3.6. Orders received without correct or missing Buyer (User)  information will be canceled if the SELLER does not receive the correct data within 48 hours after the order was received. Such orders become status "REFUSED" due to the impossibility to be executed.

3.7. The user may refuse an order without having to mention the reasons for the refusal.

3.8. Cancellation of an order can be made by phone or e-mail given in the site: info@gallery-city.com.



4.1. Once gallery-city.com/shop has receives an order from a User, the automated gallery system notifies the User by email for the successful order.

4.2. Deliveries are only made to successful orders. When the ordered picture (artwork) is packed, the user is informed by email that the picture (the work of art) is transmitted to a courier for transportation to the corresponding address.

4.3. Deliveries of ordered paintings (works of art) are not performed on Sundays and national holidays, except when there are individually agreed terms.

4.3.1. Orders are delivered within 1-2 business days, but in rare cases, a delay is possible, which will be specified when the order is confirmed.

4.4. The seller uses the courier companies Interlogistica or Econt Express for delivery.  In certain cases when the purchased picture value is above 1000 BGN. is possible personal delivery.

4.5. The delivery is made to an address specified by the User or to an office of the courier company in the mentioned city.

4.6. The delivery of all orders is free of charge to any point in Bulgaria.

4.7. Each shipment is insured and the insurance is at the Seller's expense.

4.8. If the User does not provide access and conditions for delivery the painting (artwork) to the specified address at the specified time or does not go to the mentioned courier company's office to receive the painting (artwork) on time, when he has chosen this option, the seller will be released from the obligation to implement the stated delivery


5.1. Payment of the ordered picture (work of art) can be done in two separate ways, regardless of the method of payment chosen, the payment amount is the same and no additional charges are charged for processing the payment.

5.1.1. By "cash on delivery" - payment in cash to the courier on delivery;

5.1.2. By bank transfer to Seller's account;

5.2. For every ordered picture (work of art) the user has to pay the price announced in the e-shop at the time of the order.


6.1. The user is entitled to claim or return purchased from the gallery picture (artwork) within 14 days of receipt of the picture (the artwork).

6.2. Refusal of the contract can also be made to the courier on the delivery of the painting (the work of art).

6.3. Upon cancellation of the contract, the User is obliged to return the purchased painting (artwork) in undamaged and preserved form.

6.4. Upon cancellation of the contract, if the consumer has paid the goods, he / she will be refunded the paid amount for the returned picture (a work of art) on a bank account specified by him / her within 15 / fifteen / days after the return of the painting (the work of art). Amounts will not be refunded until the user does not return the picture (the work of art). If the purchased picture (the work of art) is not returned within the time limit specified in paragraph 6.1, the withdrawal from the contract shall not have an effect.

6.5. Claims can be made when purchased picture (artwork) does not correspond to what was agreed between the parties to the contract of sale. The discrepancy in the agreement between the parties may be expressed in:
- Distorted picture integrity (the work of art);
- sent a wrong picture (artwork) other than ordered;
- inconsistency with the description of the painting (the work of art);
- damage to the picture (the work of art) during transport.

6.6. Picture frames are not subject to this contract and are not part of the purchased picture. So the Gallery is not responsible for any transport or other defects in the frame.

6.7. The claim may be brought before CITY GROUP JSC at the specified email address info@gallery-city.com, while the User must return the goods within two months.

6.8. In the case of a claim, the consumer may choose to replace the specific painting (artwork) with another one by leveling prices.

6.9. The return of a painting (a work of art) in a claim, in cases other than transport faults, is subject to the following conditions:

- A good artistic appearance (the picture is not torn, scratched, dirty, damaged).

6.10. In case of replacement of works of art, the transport costs are at the expense of the User in both directions unless the replacement has been imposed by the fault of the gallery.



7.1. All information published at gallery-city.com/shop is owned by CITY GROUP JSC, incl. pictures and descriptions of paintings (works of art). The Gallery entitles owners of other sites and users to post links to gallery-city.com/shop online gallery.

7.2. It is forbidden to copy texts and photos from gallery-city.com/shop and place them on other websites and online stores without the written consent of CITY GROUP JSC or quote the source by adding the following text: "Source: City Gallery with link to https://gallery-city.com



8.1. Liability for image defects (the artwork), for the execution of the distance sale contract, and for the refund of paid sums, carries the Picture (the work of art) Seller. He is required to provide, along with the painting (the work of art), and information in paper form, to assist the User in exercising his rights.

8.2. CITY GROUP JSC does not bear any liability to any third party if such person believes that information posted in the Gallery infringes someone's copyright or other intellectual property rights.



Data confidentiality is of particular importance to us.

We have the intention to make our website comfortable and to contain as much information as you may be interested in. We also take care of its safety use so you can be assured that your personal data and rights are protected.

9.1. What personal data do we process?

On our website, you have the ability to provide us with different personal data (eg email, address, name). The provision of these data is entirely voluntary.

Whenever a user opens our webpage and its various menus, we receive information in the form of an information protocol with the following content:

• the webpage that forwards you to us

• IP address

• date and duration of access

• user request

• the amount of transferred data

• information about the browser and operating system you are using.

9.2. Cookies

To make your visits to the GALLERY page as functional as possible, we use the so-called cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive.

Some of them contribute to the optimal use of our website. They are already stored on your computer without we have the opportunity to ask for your consent. Other cookies will not be saved until we have your consent. More about cookies can be found in our Cookies Policy.

9.3. How do we process your personal data?

We use your data only for the purposes for which we collect it. When processing your inquiries and when you use our services, we sometimes use subcontractors who only receive the required data for the order.

The information protocol and the data in it are stored for the security of our systems in order to identify a hacker attack. We are not able to assign a protocol to a particular person. We do not compare information from a database to another database.

The data we receive from you voluntarily is stored so we can:

• Send you the newsletter if you have subscribed to it;

• Processing your inquiries and orders;

If you have agreed to receive our newsletter, we use your email address so that you can receive up-to-date information about new pictures in the GALLERY.

Once the purpose for which we have collected your personal data is reached, we commit to destroying them immediately unless there is a legal deadline for their storage.

9.4. What are your rights?

Upon request, you have the right to receive free information about your personal data that has been collected. You have the right to refuse to collect and process your personal data at any time and also to request that it to be deleted, corrected or blocked. To do so, send an email to the contacts listed on the site or exercise your rights from the GDPR tools in the account.

The present General Terms and Conditions have been accepted by CITY GROUP JSC and the last change in them was at 20.05.2018.